The Body Speaks in Hushed Tones - LISTEN

N is an acquaintance. I have known her for a few months and for the time I have known her, I have heard of the tough life she's been through since she was a teenager. From bearing the mantle of mother to her younger siblings to supporting a partner who was disabled in a car accident, N has seen times that some of us have only come across in books or films. She has often said, "Stress is my middle name", and laughed as a consequence. I have laughed to give her company, though I can say that in my deepest heart, I have not laughed at all. Her stress has been slowly killing her. The stress of playing roles she might not be ready for. The stress of being there for everyone else, when her own body is falling apart. The stress of not being able to say "no". It has seeped into her joints and her sacred hours of sleep. She has more nightmares now than she can count. As someone who believes the organism is one whole and that body-mind-soul-spirit differe...